Rainbow Veinz is a call to action to allies and those in the GSRM to shake up society and remove prejudice wherever it may be. By sharing content and informed opinions, we hope to increase the resilience of the LGBTQIA+ community so that we may all stand as one and bring about a new era of understanding, love, and support to every sentient being on this planet. Above all else, show everyone that intolerance will no longer be allowed. Misconceptions, disinformation, and hatred does not need to be given a voice or a place in this world, and it must be silenced by any means necessary.

We also believe that no life should need to be given up to advance a cause. So, please, if you are feeling the effects of the abuse give one of the following numbers a call:

==Trans* Specific==

Trans Lifeline (US): 877-565-8860
Trans Lifeline (Canada): 877-330-6366

==LGBT Youth Crisis Prevention==

Trevor Project (text, chat, online): http://bit.ly/1D75DU4

GLBT National Help Center: http://bit.ly/1SdN0Vd


National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

You do not have to suffer in silence. Share your story. Speak out. Love. Care. No matter how bad things may seem, a network of support can lift you up to achieve the goals that you dream about daily. Please do not give up.

Feel free to contact us through the Facebook page’s messaging system if you have an article, story, or something you would like to share with us or to the page. We’d be glad to try to help.