No Choices Here – Biological Origin of being Trans

“Being trans is a choice! There’s no evidence to suggest otherwise! ACCEPT MY HATE, YOU BIGOT.” – cissexist transphobic trash the world over.

That’s not what the evidence says. That’s not what biology believes to be true anymore. So, why do these people still obsess over these ideas? It doesn’t matter – here’s a video of affirmation for you, lovelies. There is more information to learn about how trans individuals are born & develop, but here’s a little about what we definitely do know.

Thanks! ❤

Note: This is not meant to invalidate anyone. If an individual identifies as trans, yet does not have these features, there may be another explanation that has not yet been discovered. No matter what, an individual’s identity is valid. They decide who they are and how they wish to express it. Society does not.

No Choices Here – Biological Origin of being Trans


Resources for the Ones Who Need it Most

Resources for the Ones Who Need it Most ( is a blog post containing an ever-evolving list of resources to pick you up on an off day. These have helped me greatly in the past, maybe they will do the same for you.

via Tangibello (