No Choices Here – Biological Origin of being Trans

“Being trans is a choice! There’s no evidence to suggest otherwise! ACCEPT MY HATE, YOU BIGOT.” – cissexist transphobic trash the world over.

That’s not what the evidence says. That’s not what biology believes to be true anymore. So, why do these people still obsess over these ideas? It doesn’t matter – here’s a video of affirmation for you, lovelies. There is more information to learn about how trans individuals are born & develop, but here’s a little about what we definitely do know.

Thanks! ❤

Note: This is not meant to invalidate anyone. If an individual identifies as trans, yet does not have these features, there may be another explanation that has not yet been discovered. No matter what, an individual’s identity is valid. They decide who they are and how they wish to express it. Society does not.

No Choices Here – Biological Origin of being Trans


State of the Veinz

Hello beautiful reader~ As you may or may not have noticed, it has been quite awhile since my last update. This will, most likely, continue to be the case for the time being. I recently graduated from university, and I’m now trying to figure out how to support myself – which is difficult when there are no jobs that fit you nearby, and when you’re a trans woman. However, we make due with the cards we’ve been dealt and keep moving forward.

My current attempt is via YouTube and Patreon. If you are interested in helping support my efforts/me, then you can check out my channels. Of course, Patreon donations go a lot further, but anything is a plus to me:

Click here for my channel discussing science, activism, and more~

Click here for my gaming channel~

And here’s my Patreon~

Due to my current circumstances, I am not able to make videos for the first channel as much as I like. However, I’ve been trying to get out daily gaming videos to make up for this. It wouldn’t normally be an “either or” choice, but that’s what happens when you live in a house with five people – finding quiet time to film a few hours worth of stuff isn’t easy.

Regardless, thanks for checking up on me. Stay safe, you are wonderful.

With love,

A Simple Reminder

 I am not evil. I am not fallen.

I am not a sinner. I am not an abomination.

I am simply a primate trying to do the least amount of damage,

and experience the most happiness on this rock until I am recycled back into the universe.

~ Unknown

New APA Guidelines for Trans* Health

For the first time ever, on August 5, 2015, guidelines have been adopted by the American Psychological Association ( to reduce transphobia among psychologists and therapists. In this 31-page article, it is asserted, from the medical literature available today, that only trans-affirmative therapy and a solid understanding of the effect of minority stress on one’s mental health, as well as support from family & friends, will lead to a positive health outcome. Within these guidelines, it is suggested that using an interdisciplinary approach is the best option. This will allow for deconstruction of the binary approach that has been used in the past in favor of our new understanding, thanks to biologists, that suggest sex, gender, and sexual orientation are all distinct elements of a person, each with their own spectrum.

Via: MyTransHealth (

A study of 14,000 US & UK adults, published in the International Journal of Obesity, has found consistent evidence that “perceiving oneself as being overweight was associated with increased weight gain,” regardless of truth. Essentially, societal focus, such as in the form of fat shaming, can induce stress and trigger comfort-eating as a coping mechanism.

QED: Fat shaming doesn’t help anyone. It’s unnecessary. Don’t do it.

Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA

Via: Fat, Loud and NOT going away